Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali's songs on TikTok
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My Heart Will Go On (Titanic)
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
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The Godfather
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
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Shape of My Heart (Leon)
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
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The Godfather
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
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Shape of My Heart (Leon)
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
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Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
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Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
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Schindler's List
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
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Love Is Blue
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali
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Green Leaves of Summer
Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali