16 TikTok sounds using this track
24h Trend
Videos Last 24h
296,684 total
1 | original sound - simplyhard | simplyhard | 76,439 | ||
2 | Yebba’s Heartbreak | Drake & Yebba | 59,587 |
3 | original sound - _kingie_ | _kingie_ | 53,350 |
4 | original sound - tiagocyyy | moedas | 44,598 |
5 | Drake Yebbas Heartbreak | moody | 25,661 |
6 | original sound - xpiclegends_ | xpiclegends | 19,333 | ||
7 | yebbas heartbreak flip | zay | 9,485 |
8 | original sound - miiosoul | MIO | 4,002 | ||
9 | original sound - spotifysounds_.1 | Spotifysounds_. | 3,992 |
10 | yebbas heartbreak | hayden 🎵 | 225 |
11 | original sound - shamelessistherapy | shamelessistherapy | 6 | ||
12 | original sound - leonor_carime34 | Leonor Carime 34 | 2 | ||
13 | original sound - imboreddputa | Imboredddputaa | 1 | ||
14 | original sound - asherglean | Asher Glean | 1 | ||
15 | original sound - elisaaffortunati | elisaaffortunati | 1 | ||
16 | original sound - weareburger28 | Burger28 | 1 |
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