10 TikTok sounds using this track
24h Trend
Videos Last 24h
244,806 total
1 | paper soldiers | 🎶🎶 | 102,953 |
2 | Paper Soldier (feat. Joony) | Brent Faiyaz & Joony & ISO Supremacy | 43,376 |
3 | original sound - darkvidez | darkvidez | 27,564 |
4 | original sound - ushiyeo | shio | 24,563 |
5 | paper soldier | wu ★ | 11,011 |
6 | paper soldier | yo | 10,714 |
7 | original sound - drixpylyrics | ⭐️ | 9,189 |
8 | original sound - imeatka3yastoes | ana slaps bxssho | 8,255 | ||
9 | paper soldier | r7ptor | 7,145 |
10 | original sound - spotisongsz | 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐘 | 36 |
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